The Rome Papers … or what really happened at that seminar, anyway?

I know, you’ve heard enough of training for trainers already. The thing is, I promised a colleague I would publish the links to the presentations made by Daniel Gile during the training seminar in Rome. So here they are!

In case you didn’t believe what I wrote in my past few posts, or simply didn’t read them because they were too long-winded (I don’t blame you!), here are the original Powerpoints themselves (now publicly available on the CIRIN website) to provide the definitive (or at least official) account of what really went on at that seminar:


Main Powerpoint presentation

Conclusion and prospects

Daniel dubbed the provision of these documents his “after-sales service”, which fits in nicely with my theme of old-timer Vespas and Fiats.

Or should I have gone with a pizza theme?

Anyway, I wish you happy reading. I’m on holidays this week, but I will be back soon enough with a new post (on something other than training for trainers, I promise!).

Top 10 Lessons Learned in Rome (6-10)

When we last met, I’d been telling you what I’d learned at the Training for Trainers seminar organized by AIIC in Rome. Having run out of time and space, and probably stretched the acceptable limits of length for blog posts, I decided to break off halfway down my list of top 10 lessons learned in Rome. Here comes part two of that list. Continue reading

Top 10 Lessons Learned in Rome (1-5)

In last week’s post, I shared with readers how much fun I’d had battling the elements to get to AIIC’s Training for Trainers seminar in Rome. This week, I want to tell you a bit about the insights I took home from that event.

I learned so much over the course of the two-day seminar on Research Results and Implications for Interpreter Training that there’s no way I could ever share everything, so I’ve decided to give you just a list of the top 10 lessons learned. I will have to divide the list up into two parts (brevity may be the soul of wit, but once I get going, it’s hard to stop me!). Here goes…

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